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The Meeting for Thursday, March 12, 2009, will be
Given by: John Sanders
On: Build your own PC
Actually, building your own PC is not such a challenge as you might
think, and there are many positives resulting from this task. First of
all, you will get just the features that you want/need to perform the
tasks that you most frequently encounter on the PC. Second, you will be
very familiar with "what's under the hood," and you will be in a better
position to correct problems that you may encounter during operation.
And you will probably find that you will get more of the PC that you
want for less money.
There are a number of online resellers of computer components, and you
can pick the best parts for your PC as the lowest cost. They are made
to "fit together" if you chose the components correctly. This is
probably the area in which you will need to exercise the most care.
Note that we are talking about desktop computers; laptop computers need
to "fit togother" in a very small volume, and some of these components
must be especially for that application.
First of all, you should deside exactly what tasks will be met through
the use of this computer. A PC that is just used to access the internet
and read mail and get information would be different from one that is
used to keep track of your money or one that is used to publish either
to the internet or to hard copy.
Based on the planned uses, you can select the processing speed that you
will need, the amount of memory, the storage devices, and the other
peripherals. At the same time, you can select the software that will be
your operating system. After that, you can select the various
components that will work well togehter.
The parts that you will consider (not necessarily in the order) are:
- A motherboard
- A CPU chip
- Memory (RAM)
- A case
- A power supply
- A video card
- Other memory storage units
- Other items such as sound, disply, keyboard, mouse, etc.
- Operating system and other software
We will discuss some of the options for each of these components and how
to select those components that will work together to meet your
computing needs. We will also go over some information on the relative
cost of some of these options.
We will have our Question and Answer session about other topics and problems, as usual.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!